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[手机] WPinternals刷机软件的翻译 2019 8 7晚自己用word翻译

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来自- 中国江苏南通


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gwp! 发表于 2019-8-7 21:24:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自- 中国江苏南通
来自- 中国江苏南通


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Getting started开始
This tool may cause irrevocable damage and/or data losswhen applied to any target device. As such please ensure that you fullycomprehend and accept the Disclaimerand warnings beforeproceeding any further.
If you appreciate the countless hours of hacking,research and development I put into creating this tool then consider buyingme a beer. If you wish to leaveme a comment or ask a question visit my blog at
This section explains some basic information about using this tool. I suggestyou take a few minutes and read this section thoroughly to help avoid problemsand surprises. However please remember that any damage caused to a deviceduring the use of this tool is your responsibility solely.

Compatibility of this toollargely depends on the bootloader of the phone. The bootloaders of Lumia phonesconsist of different parts. Different bootphases are implemented by Qualcomm,Intel, Nokia and Microsoft. The earliest Windows Phone 8 based Lumia's arebased on the Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 chipset. For reference I will call thebootloaders of these phones: "Lumia BootloaderSpec A". Windows Phone Internals version 1 was written to target thoseLumia's.
Later models are based onQualcomm Snapdragon 200 - 800 series. Qualcomm refactored a significant part oftheir bootloader-code for these new chipsets. And at the same time Nokia alsomade significant changes to their parts of the bootloader. For reference I willcall the bootloaders of these phones: "LumiaBootloader Spec B". So by introducing Lumia's based on the newQualcomm chipsets all my earlier exploits were rendered useless. I had to findnew exploits for defeating the new SecureBoot code, for flashing custom ROM'sand for entering Mass Storage mode. Windows Phone Internals version 2 alsotargets Lumia phones with Bootloader Spec B now.
My old exploits have beenproven to work on all Lumia's with Bootloader Spec A. My new exploits should beworking on all Lumia's with Bootloader Spec B. I have tested a lot of models,but not all. So I cannot be sure yet that the new exploits work on all models.It is possible that some models have modified bootloaders which may not becompatible. When a phone turns out to be incompatible when trying to unlock it,it will end up in Flash mode, and it will not be able to boot the OS anymore.In this case it will always be possible to flash a stock ROM to get the phonebooting again. Here is a list which shows what Bootloader Spec was used fordifferent Lumia models. It also shows which OS versions are supported forenabling Root Access.
Chinese Simplified translation.
此工具的兼容性很大程度上取决于手机的引导加载程序。Lumia 手机的引导加载程序由不同的部件组成。高通、英特尔、诺基亚和微软都实施了不同的启动。最早的基于 Lumia 的 Windows Phone 8 是基于高通 Snapdragon S4 芯片组的。作为参考,我将调用这些电话的引导加载程序:"Lumia 引导加载程序规格 A"。Windows 电话内部版本 1 是针对那些 Lumia 编写的。
后来的型号是基于高通Snapdragon 200 - 800系列。高通为这些新芯片组重构了引导加载器代码的很大一部分。同时,诺基亚也对其引导加载程序的部分进行了重大更改。作为参考,我将调用这些电话的引导加载程序:"Lumia 引导加载程序规格 B"。因此,通过介绍Lumia基于新的高通芯片组,我之前的所有利用都变得毫无用处。我必须找到新的漏洞,以击败新的SecureBoot代码,闪烁自定义ROM和进入大容量存储模式。Windows 手机内部版本 2 也针对 Luia 手机与引导加载器规格 B
现在.我的旧漏洞被证明适用于所有 Lumia 的引导加载器规格 A。我的新漏洞应该使用引导加载器规格 B 处理所有 Lumia。我测试了很多模型,但不是全部。因此,我还不能确定新的漏洞适用于所有型号。某些型号可能修改了可能不兼容的引导加载程序。当手机在尝试解锁时不兼容时,它将最终处于 Flash 模式,并且将无法再启动操作系统。在这种情况下,它总是可以闪存股票ROM,使手机再次启动。下面是一个列表,其中显示了不同的 Lumia 模型使用了哪些引导加载器规范。它还显示支持哪些操作系统版本以启用根访问。

Required Third Party Downloads
There are a number of third party components which mustbe downloaded and in some cases installed before you can use this tool.
Lumia drivers
The majority of the Lumiadrivers which are required by this tool are installed by the Windows Device Recovery Tool. Please download and install this tool on the computeron which you will run this tool.
Qualcomm Emergency Download drivers
When the bootloader isbeing unlocked, the phone needs to be switched to Qualcomm Emergency Downloadmode.
To enable communicationwith your phone whilst it is in this mode you must install one of the followingdrivers, both of which are supported by the tool
在使用此工具之前,必须下载多个第三方组件,在某些情况下,必须安装这些组件。 卢米亚司机
此工具所需的大多数 Lumia 驱动程序都由 Windows 设备恢复工具安装。请在运行此工具的计算机上下载并安装此工具。

WARNING: I would strongly suggest to use the Microsoft / Nokiadriver. Eventhough the Qualcomm driver is supported, I have seen someunexpected behavior when using this driver. If Windows Phone Internals freezeswhen the phone is switched to or through Emergency Mode, first make sure youhave a driver installed for Emergency Mode. If the phone is exposed as serialCOM port, then you should uninstall the driver and install the WinUSB driverfrom Microsoft.
The downloaded driver may come as an msi package whichcan simply be run/installed. Alternatively if the driver package comes as an archiveit will contain an INF file which can be installed with this command line:-
    PNPUtil.exe -i -a PATH_TO_YOUR_FILE.INF
NOTE: Whilst in emergency mode the phone will appear in devicemanager as having the device ID "VID_05C6&PID_9008".
FFU file
The process of unlocking the bootloader depends on a ROMimage for your target phone. Downloading such ROM images (FFU files) has becomemuch easier with Windows Phone Internals version 2. Basically you just connectthe phone, go to the Download page of this tool and download the ROM image.
NOTE: If you are about to unlock a phone with Bootloader SpecB, then you also click the "Download all" button. This will downloadthe FFU file and also the emergency programmer files. If the FFU file containsan OS version which is not supported by Windows Phone Internals SecureBootUnlock version 2, the this will also automatically download an additional FFUfile to extract the necessary files from it.

Chinese Simplifiedtranslation.
警告: 我强烈建议使用微软 / 诺基亚驱动程序.即使高通驱动程序受支持,在使用此驱动程序时,我也看到了一些意外的行为。如果 Windows Phone 内部在手机切换到或通过紧急模式时冻结,请首先确保已为紧急模式安装了驱动程序。如果手机公开为串行 COM 端口,则应卸载驱动程序并从 Microsoft 安装 WinUSB 驱动程序。
下载的驱动程序可能作为一个 msi 包来简单运行/安装。或者,如果驱动程序包作为存档提供,它将包含一个 INF 文件,该文件可随此命令行一起安装:- PNPUtil.exe -i -一个 PATH_TO_YOUR_FILE。Inf
注意:在紧急模式下,手机将在设备管理器中显示为设备 ID 为"VID_05C6_PID_9008"。
FFU 文件
解锁引导加载程序的过程取决于目标手机的 ROM 图像。下载这样的ROM图像(FFU文件)已经变得更容易与Windows手机内部版本2。基本上你只是连接手机,去这个工具的下载页面,并下载ROM图像。
注意:如果您要解锁具有引导加载程序规格 B 的手机,则还可以单击"下载全部"按钮。这将下载FFU文件和紧急程序员文件。如果 FFU 文件包含 Windows Phone 内部安全引导解锁版本 2 不支持的操作系统版本,则该文件还会自动下载其他 FFU 文件,以便从中提取必要的文件。

Engineering SBL3
Engineering phones can be switched to Mass Storage Mode.When in this mode the phone acts as if it is removable hard drive allowing fullaccess to the flash memory. This mode is not implemented in retail ROM images.For phones with Bootloader Spec B this is not a problem, because Windows PhoneInternals is able to locate all necessary resources to unlock Mass Storage Modeon these phone. If you want to unlock Mass Storage Mode on a phone withBootloader Spec A, then you need to select an image from an engineering phonewhich contains an SBL3 partition.
This tool will try to extract the SBL3 partition fromeither an FFU file or a raw image. This google search may yield some relevantresults. But remember to verify the OEM and CPU from the image you download.The engineering SBL3 must come from a phone or image that is from the same OEMand has the same CPU as your target device. Flashing the wrong SBL3 may permanently damage your phone.
If you are unable to obtain an engineering image, youmust first dump your phones ROM image, then apply the desired changes to thisimage and finally flash the modified image back onto your device.
工程 SBL3
工程电话可以切换到大容量存储模式。在此模式下,手机就像是可移动的硬盘驱动器,允许完全访问闪存。此模式未在零售 ROM 映像中实现。对于具有引导加载程序规格 B 的手机,这不是问题,因为 Windows 电话内部能够找到所有必要的资源来解锁这些手机上的大容量存储模式。如果要在具有引导加载程序规格 A 的手机上解锁大容量存储模式,则需要从包含 SBL3 分区的工程电话中选择映像。
此工具将尝试从 FFU 文件或原始映像中提取 SBL3 分区。这个谷歌搜索可能会产生一些相关的结果。但请记住从下载的映
像验证 OEM 和 CPU。工程 SBL3 必须来自来自同一 OEM 且 CPU 与目标设备相同的手机或映像。闪烁错误的 SBL3 可能会永久损坏您的手机。
如果无法获取工程映像,则必须首先转储手机 ROM 映像,然后将所需的更改应用于此映像,最后将修改后的图像重新闪存到您的设备上。

Unlockingthe bootloader
SecureBoot is a chain of integrity checks which prevents any modifications tosystem-files that has the following phases.
Unlockingthe bootloader willdisable the integrity checks in bootloader (e.g. the first stage ofSecureBoot). This is a mandatory requirement that enables changes to thesubsequent stages of the secure boot chain. Therefore you must unlock thebootloader before you enable Root Access.
As for flashing Custom ROM's there is a difference in theapproach for Bootloaders Spec A and Bootloaders Spec B. The "Customflash" exploit, which is used for the phones with Bootloader Spec B, workseven on phones which did not unlock the bootloader yet. So you can startflashing a Custom ROM straight away. But the first time you will use the Customflash on such phone, it will need to find a Flashing Profile first. It will bedone automatically. During this phase the phone may reboot quite a few times.Although it may look as if the phone is in a reboot-loop, you should notinterfere with the process. This reboot-loop will end after Windows PhoneInternals was able to find a working Flashing Profile.
NOTE: Unlocking the bootloader of the phone requires a certainversion of UEFI on your phone. This tool will verify this version. If it is notpossible to perform the Flash-operation you will be notified and you will needto run Windows Updates on your phone or flash a newer ROM to your phone beforeyou can proceed.
NOTE: The unlock sequence for Lumia's with bootloader spec Bdepends on a certain "Boot order". Right after a Full Flash or rightafter you relocked a phone, this boot order is different. When you flash anFFU, you can interrupt the boot immediately, before it has completed its firstboot. If you would then try to unlock the bootloader, this will fail halfway.This problem will be detected and the changes will be rolled back. A simplereboot will solve the problem; the boot order is restored. After that you canstart the unlock sequence again.

Chinese Simplifiedtranslation.
SecureBoot 是一个完整性检查链,可防止对具有以下阶段的系统文件进行任何修改。 解锁引导加载程序将禁用引导加载程序(例如,安全启动的第一阶段)中的完整性检查。这是一项强制要求,允许更改安全引导链的后续阶段。因此,在启用根访问之前,必须解锁引导加载程序。
至于闪烁的自定义ROM的方法在引导加载程序规格A和引导加载程序规格B的方法有区别。"自定义闪存"漏洞,用于手机与引导加载器规格B,工作即使在手机尚未解锁引导加载程序。因此,您可以立即开始闪烁自定义 ROM。但第一次,你会在这样的手机上使用自定义闪光灯,它将需要找到一个闪烁配置文件第一。它将自动完成。在此阶段,手机可能会重新启动相当几次。尽管手机看起来好像处于重新启动循环中,但不应干扰该过程。此重新启动循环将在 Windows 手机内部找到一个工作闪烁配置文件后结束。
注意:解锁手机的引导加载程序需要在手机上使用特定版本的 UEFI。此工具将验证此版本。如果无法执行 Flash 操作,您将收到通知,您需要在手机上运行 Windows 更新,或将较新的 ROM 闪存到手机,然后才能继续操作。
注: Luia 的引导加载程序规范 B 的解锁顺序取决于特定的"启动顺序"。在完全闪存后或重新锁定手机后,此启动顺序就不同了。当您闪存 FFU 时,可以在启动完成第一次启动之前立即中断启动。如果然后尝试解锁引导加载程序,这将半途而废。将检测到此问题,并将回滚更改。简单的重新启动将解决问题;恢复启动顺序。之后,您可以再次启动解锁序列。

Mass Storage Mode
This mode allows direct access to the eMMC (flash memory) of the phone atsector and file levels. This means it is possible to directly patchsystem-files. Once in mass storage mode the phone will appear as a removablehard drive in Windows.
Be very careful with this feature as it can cause irreparable damage to yourphone. In particular be aware of the following:-
You will notice that some files or folders cannot be accessed due to itssecurity-settings. Do not alter the security-settings to get access to thesefiles! Instead run a file-browser under the SYSTEM account to access thesefiles and folders. Download and install Sysinternals PsTools and a 3rd party file manager. Then launch the filemanager like this:-
    "C:\ProgramFiles\PsTools\PsExec.exe" -d -s -i "<PATH TO FILEMANAGER>"
大容量存储模式 此模式允许在扇区和文件级别直接访问电话的 eMMC(闪存)。这意味着可以直接修补系统文件。进入大容量存储模式后,手机将在 Windows 中显示为可移动硬盘。 小心使用此功能,因为它可能会对您的手机造成无法弥补的损坏。尤其要注意以下事项: 您会注意到,由于某些文件或文件夹的安全设置,无法访问。不要更改安全设置以获取这些文件的访问权限!而是在 SYSTEM 帐户下运行文件浏览器以访问这些文件和文件夹。下载并安装 Sys 内部 PsTools 和第三方文件管理器。然后像这样启动文件管理器:- "C:_程序文件_PsTools_PsExec.exe"-d -s -i"[程序到文件管理器]"

Root Access
Root Access is a set of hacks thatunleashes the power of your Windows Phone:
When all ACL, Capability and Privileges checks are disabled, it means that youhave access to all system resources, which effectively means you have RootAccess. Apps will still run in a "Low Box", because the Low Boxsecurity token contains information that is necessary for app to be able tocommunicate with the system. Some API's deny access to threads that run with aLow Box token. Root Access disables the account logon checks, which allows anapp to logon an account and create a thread with non-Lowboxed security token.This thread will also have access to these forbidden API's.
Root Access also implements Windows Phone Jailbreak,which lets you install Homebrew apps on your phone.
Root Access can be applied directly on the phone throughMass Storage Mode or it can be applied to a mounted ROM image.
Root Access must be implemented differently for everyversion of the Windows Phone Operating System. This tool aims to support themost popular versions of the OS. The Patch Engine is very flexible. Futureversions will add support for additional versions of the Windows PhoneOperating System.
Root Access allows a high degree of tweaking on yourphone. But be aware that it also makes your phone vulnerable to badly writtensoftware and malware! If you unlocked Mass Storage mode, then this tool willallow you to enable or disable Root Access directly on your phone. To be safe,you can enable Root Access, then make necessary changes and tweaks to yourphone and then disable Root Access afterwards.
Chinese Simplifiedtranslation.
根访问是一组黑客,释放您的 Windows 手机的力量: 禁用所有 ACL、功能和权限检查时,这意味着您可以访问所有系统资源,这实际上意味着您具有 Root 访问权限。应用仍将在"低盒"中运行,因为低盒安全令牌包含应用与系统通信所必需的信息。某些 API 拒绝访问使用低盒令牌运行的线程。根访问禁用帐户登录检查,允许应用登录帐户并创建具有非低盒安全令牌的线程。此线程还将有权访问这些禁止的 API。
根访问还实现了 Windows 电话越狱,它允许您在手机上安装 Homebrew 应用程序。
根访问可以通过大容量存储模式直接应用于手机,也可以应用于已安装的 ROM 图像。
对于 Windows 电话操作系统的每个版本,必须以不同的方式实现根访问。此工具旨在支持操作系统的最新版本。修补程序引擎非常灵活。将来的版本将添加对 Windows Phone 操作系统的其他版本的支持。
根访问允许在您的手机上进行高度的调整。但请注意,这也使您的手机容易受到写得不好的软件和恶意软件!如果您解锁了大容量存储模式,则此工具将允许您直接在手机上启用或禁用根访问。为了安全起见,您可以启用根访问,然后对您的手机进行必要的更改和调整,然后禁用 Root Access。

Custom ROM's
At present there is very little tooling around custom ROM's for Windows Phone8+. This tool implements a basic set of tools that provide the necessarybuilding blocks to enable experimentation with custom ROMs in a convenientmanner.
The eMMC of the phone basically consists of four partition types:
A custom ROM image contains copies of the EFIESP, MainOS and Data-partitions.To create an image you must first dump these partitions. Then useOSFMount to mount these partitionsand Root Access can be applied on themounted partitions. When you apply Root Access, the EFIESP and MainOSpartitions will be modified. After that you can further customize thepartitions.
When you are ready dismount the partitions and compressthese partitions into a Zip-archive. This Zip-archive is effectively yourcustom ROM image.
The flash-function allows you to select theZip-archive and flash the complete contents to the phone at once. It is alsopossible to flash separate partitions.
The partition images are usually very large files.Especially the Data-partition. It can be many Gigabytes in size, depending onthe phone-model. Handling such large files can be painful. Therefore it ispossible to compress a partition when it is dumped.
If you add the compressed partition to the custom ROMZip-image the flash-function is able to use it properly. Compressed partitionscannot be mounted so you may not wish to compress the EFIESP andMainOS-partitions. The sizes of the partitions can be different on differentversions of the OS. The partition-table of the phone will automatically berealigned if necessary.
Be aware that the Windows Phone system binaries areprotected by copyright! Only create custom ROM's for gaining a morecomprehensive understanding of your target device and for your own personaluse.
Chinese Simplifiedtranslation.
自定义 ROM 的 目前,在Windows Phone 8+的自定义ROM周围几乎没有工具。此工具实现一组基本工具,这些工具提供了必要的构建基块,以便以方便的方式对自定义 ROM 进行试验。 手机的eMMC基本上由四种分区类型组成: 自定义 ROM 映像包含 EFIESP、MainOS 和数据分区的副本。要创建映像,必须首先转储这些分区。然后使用 OSFMount 装载这些分区,根访问可以应用于装载的分区。应用根访问时,EFIESP 和 MainOS 分区将被修改。之后,您可以进一步自定义分区。
准备好卸载分区并将这些分区压缩到 Zip 存档中。此 Zip 存档实际上是您的自定义 ROM 图像。
Flash 功能允许您选择 Zip 存档,并立即将全部内容闪存到手机。也可以闪存单独的分区。
如果将压缩分区添加到自定义 ROM Zip 映像,闪存函数将能够正确使用它。无法装载压缩分区,因此您可能不希望压缩 EFIESP 和 MainOS 分区。分区的大小在不同的操作系统版本上可能不同。如有必要,电话的分区表将自动重新对齐。
请注意,Windows Phone 系统二进制文件受版权保护!只创建自定义 ROM,以便更全面地了解目标设备和个人使用。

Updating your phone
If you want to update your phone, you should firstdisable Root Access and Relock the bootloader. After that you can safely updateyour phone. But be aware that the phone may get updated to a version, which isnot supported by Windows Phone Internals. In that case you won't be able tounlock the phone after the update.
WARNING: When you are runningWindows Phone 8 or Windows Phone 8.1, the phone can still start the updateprocess when the phone is unlocked. But that may damage your phone! On Windows10 Mobile update process will first do an integrity check. When the phone itunlocked, the update process will not start. After relocking the phone, you canupdate it again.
如果要更新手机,应首先禁用根访问并重新锁定引导加载程序。之后,您可以安全地更新您的手机。但请注意,手机可能会更新到 Windows 手机内部版本,该版本不受 Windows 电话内部版本支持。在这种情况下,您将无法在更新后解锁手机。
警告: 当您运行 Windows Phone 8 或 Windows Phone 8.1 时,手机仍然可以在手机解锁时启动更新过程。但是,这可能会损坏您的手机!在 Windows 10 移动更新过程中将首先执行完整性检查。当手机解锁时,更新过程将不会启动。重新锁定手机后,您可以再次更新它。

If you unlocked Mass Storage mode, this allows you tomake a backup of the phone. You canbackup either single partitions or all partitions straight into one singleZip-image. This Zip-image can be used as if it were a custom ROM and you canuse the flash-function to restore this backup tothe phone.
It is important to realize that the MainOS and Datapartitions are tied together. Even though the Data partition contains most userdata and installed apps, the MainOS partition contains the registry hives andother configuration data.  This meansthat system backup and restore must contain the contents of both partitions.
Be aware that all stages of SecureBoot must be disabledat all times to be able to boot a custom ROM. Therefore the Backup-functionalso makes a backup of the EFIESP partition.
如果您解锁了大容量存储模式,这允许您备份手机。您可以将单个分区或所有分区直接备份到单个 Zip 映像中。此 Zip 映像可以用作自定义 ROM,您可以使用闪存功能将此备份还原到手机。
请务必认识到,MainOS 和 Data 分区是绑定在一起的。即使数据分区包含大多数用户数据和已安装的应用,MainOS 分区也包含注册表配置单元和其他配置数据。 这意味着系统备份和还原必须包含两个分区的内容。
请注意,必须随时禁用 SecureBoot 的所有阶段才能启动自定义 ROM。因此,备份功能还备份 EFIESP 分区。
Build and capture
A custom ROM can be built on a live phone and thencaptured to a ROM image. The phone needs to have unlocked Mass Storage mode.After you applied all changes to the phone, you should Hard Reset the phone andcreate a backup of the reinitialized phone at the moment it is about to performa clean boot for the first time. When you create a backup of the phone in thisstate, the user will have to perform the cold-boot procedure, just as if astock ROM was flashed to the phone.
Performinga Hard Reset on a phone will remove all user data including pictures, music,call history, messages and saved games.
NOTE: Most changes to the file-system on the C: drive of thephone will survive a Hard Reset. If a bootloader was unlocked and Root Accesswas enabled, the phone will still be unlocked after a Hard Reset. However, theregistry-hives are restored on Hard Reset. If you want to modify the registrypermanently, you have to edit the registry-hives in this location:-
After a Hard Reset the backup-image of the phone maystill contain dirty sectors, which can possibly even contain private data.Therefore it is best practice to clean unused sectors. You can download andinstall Sysinternals SDelete to clean up the images.
Follow these steps for a complete Build and Capture:-
Chinese Simplified translation.
自定义 ROM 可以构建在实时电话上,然后捕获到 ROM 图像中。手机需要解锁大容量存储模式。将所有更改应用于手机后,应硬重置手机,并在手机首次执行干净启动时创建重新初始化手机的备份。当您在此状态下创建手机备份时,用户必须执行冷启动过程,就像将库存 ROM 闪存到手机一样。 在手机上执行硬重置将删除所有用户数据,包括图片、音乐、通话记录、消息和保存的游戏。
注: 对 C: 手机驱动器上的文件系统的大多数更改将在硬重置后存活下来。如果引导加载程序已解锁且已启用"根访问",则硬重置后手机仍将解锁。但是,注册表配置在硬重置时还原。如果要永久修改注册表,必须编辑此位置的注册表配置:- [窗口]系统32[配置]REGBACK]
硬重置后,手机的备份映像可能仍然包含脏扇区,甚至可能包含私有数据。因此,最佳做法是清理未使用的扇区。您可以下载并安装 Sys 内部系统 SDelete 以清理映像。

Windows 10 Mobile
If your phone is not officially supported to run Windows 10 Mobile, then youcan follow these steps to update your phone. Keepin mind that Windows 10 Mobile may have performance issues when running onunsupported phones.
Security Lock
Windows 10 Mobile has a new security feature, which is called Security Lock.This feature is part of the NGC module (Next Generation Credentials), alsoknown as Windows Hello. This module is responsible for storing credentials,like the Device Pincode, in a secure place. When the Device Pincode is enabled,it creates a container to store the pincode, using encryption and somesystem-variables (hash-codes of system-files).
When system-files are modified, the hash-codes don'tmatch the variables on the secure container anymore, and it will not bepossible to decrypt the pincode for two hours and it will not be possible tounlock the phone during this time. The phone will show this warning: -
"This device has been locked forsecurity reasons. Connect your device to a power source for at least two hours,and then try again."
Security Lock can be triggered when you previously had apincode enabled and then disabled it later on. Disabling the pincode does notclean-up the security container. If you then Enable Root Access, the variableswith hash-codes of system-files will change. As soon as you enable the pincodeagain, you will get the Security Lock warning. In this situation you have threeoptions:
Chinese Simplified translation.
视窗 10 手机 如果您的手机不支持运行 Windows 10 移动版,则可以按照以下步骤更新手机。请记住,在不支持的手机上运行 Windows 10 移动版时可能存在性能问题。 安全锁 Windows 10 手机有一个新的安全功能,称为安全锁。此功能是 NGC 模块(新一代凭据)的一部分,也称为 Windows Hello。此模块负责将凭据(如设备 Pincode)存储在安全位置。启用设备 Pincode 后,它会创建一个容器来存储 PIN 码,使用加密和一些系统变量(系统文件的哈希代码)。
修改系统文件时,哈希代码不再与安全容器上的变量匹配,并且两小时无法解密 PIN 码,在此期间无法解锁手机。手机将显示此警告: - 出于安全原因,此设备已被锁定。将设备连接到电源至少两个小时,然后重试。 以前启用了 PIN 码,然后稍后禁用时,可以触发安全锁定。禁用引脚代码不会清理安全容器。如果随后启用根访问,则具有系统文件的哈希代码的变量将更改。再次启用 PIN 码后,您就会收到"安全锁定"警告。在此情况下,您有三种选择:

Known limitations
The problems stated in this section should be fixed in laterversions of Windows Phone Internals. But it needs more time to implement thesolutions.
Can't unlock ROM imagefor Lumia's with Bootloader Spec B
Due to the complexity of SecureBoot Hack v2, unlockingmounted ROM images is only possible for Lumia's with Bootloader Spec A. ForLumia's with bootloader Spec B you can create Custom ROM's with Root Accessusing the "Build and capture" technique, as described on the Gettingstarted page.
SecureBoot unlock v2 mayoccasionally fail
On occasional the Mass Storage drivers on the PC canmisbehave. In this case, the phone will be in mass storage mode, but the PCdoes not recognize it. This could affect the unlock process. Windows PhoneInternals now has a detection-method for this behavior, but that only works on Windows8.1 and Windows 10. So for the most stable unlock-experience, you should avoidWindows 7 or older.
Sector-boundaries forcustom flashing partitions
Lumia's with Bootloader Spec B can only flash partitionson a 0x100 sector-boundary (or 0x20000 bytes-boundary). Your partition-layoutshould comply to this rule. When Windows Phone Internals calculates a newpartition layout for a Custom ROM, the layout will automatically comply to thisrule.
SecureBoot Unlock v2 mayfail altogether
Some phones, namely the Lumia 535 models, may experienceproblems during the unlock process. The first part of the unlock succeeds, butwhen the phone is being switched to Mass Storage Mode, it is not able to find aworking Flashing Profile anymore. This issue is under investigation.
Windows Phone Internalsoften tries to find a flashing profile
When you try to unlock or relock a phone with anon-supported OS version, then you will need to provide a donor-FFU with asupported OS-version. When unlocking or relocking the phone, modifications willbe made to the phone, which may also cause the existing flashing-profile tobecome invalid. In this case Windown Phone Internals may need to search for anew flashing profile during any unlock- or relock-attempt.
Support for single phone
Windows Phone Internals supports only one singleconnected phone at a time. When multiple phones are connected, Windows PhoneInternals can start showing unexpected and unstable behaviour.
Chinese Simplifiedtranslation.
本节中所述的问题应在 Windows 手机内部版本的后面版本中修复。但它需要更多的时间来实现解决方案。
无法解锁带有引导加载程序规格 B 的 Lumia 的 ROM 图像
由于 SecureBoot Hack v2 的复杂性,解锁安装的 ROM 图像仅适用于 Luia 的引导加载器规格 A。对于带有引导加载程序规范 B 的 Lumia,您可以使用"生成和捕获"技术创建具有根访问的自定义 ROM,如入门页面上所述。
安全启动解锁 v2 可能偶尔失败
偶尔,PC 上的大容量存储驱动程序可能会行为不当。在这种情况下,手机将处于大容量存储模式,但 PC 无法识别它。这可能会影响解锁过程。Windows 手机内部现在有此行为的检测方法,但仅适用于 Windows 8.1 和 Windows 10。因此,对于最稳定的解锁体验,您应该避免 Windows 7 或更旧版本。
具有引导加载程序规格 B 的 Lumia 只能闪存 0x100 扇区边界(或 0x20000 字节边界)上的闪存分区。您的分区布局应符合此规则。当 Windows Phone 内部系统为自定义 ROM 计算新的分区布局时,该布局将自动符合此规则。
安全启动解锁 v2 可能完全失败
某些手机,即 Lumia 535 型号,在解锁过程中可能会遇到问题。解锁的第一部分成功,但当手机切换到大容量存储模式时,它无法再找到一个工作闪烁配置文件。此问题正在调查中。 Windows 手机内部经常尝试查找闪烁的配置文件
当您尝试解锁或重新锁定手机与不支持的操作系统版本,然后您需要提供一个捐助者FFU与支持的操作系统版本。解锁或重新锁定手机时,将对手机进行修改,这还可能导致现有的闪烁配置文件变得无效。在这种情况下,Windown 电话内部可能需要在任何解锁或重新锁定尝试期间搜索新的闪烁配置文件。
Windows 电话内部一次仅支持一个连接的电话。连接多部手机后,Windows Phone 内部可能会开始显示意外和不稳定的行为。

Before you canmake a backup of the phone, you need to have Mass Storage mode unlocked on the phone first. Make sure you don't have anyWindows Phone disks or partitions mounted before you continue to Mass StorageMode. While in Mass Storage Mode, the phone-battery will not charge. Creating abackup of the phone in Mass Storage Mode will even drain your battery quitefast. Before you continue, make sure the phone is fully charged, or else thephone may reboot before the backup is complete.
When you continue, the phone will be switched to Mass Storage mode and then abackup will be made from the selected partitions.

在备份手机之前,您需要先在手机上解锁大容量存储模式。在继续大容量存储模式之前,请确保未装载任何 Windows Phone 磁盘或分区。在大容量存储模式下,电话电池不会充电。在大容量存储模式下创建手机备份甚至会非常快速耗尽电池。在继续之前,请确保电话已充满电,否则电话可能会在备份完成之前重新启动。 继续操作时,电话将切换到大容量存储模式,然后从所选分区进行备份。

Backup separate partitions
When you experiment with the OS or flash Custom ROM's you can make a backup ofthe MainOS partition and Data partition, so you can revert to an earlier state.Remember that the MainOS partition and Data partition are tied together. So youalways need to backup or restore the MainOS partition and Data partitiontogether. Select one or more target-files for backup.
When you continue, thephone will be switched to Mass Storage mode and then a backup will be made fromthe selected partitions.
当您尝试操作系统或刷自定义 ROM 时,您可以备份 MainOS 分区和数据分区,以便可以恢复到较早的状态。请记住,MainOS 分区和数据分区是捆绑在一起的。因此,您始终需要一起备份或还原 MainOS 分区和数据分区。选择要备份的一个或多个目标文件。


Flash Custom ROM
A Custom ROM typically contains an unlocked EFIESP partition and anuninitialized MainOS partition and Data partition. If you have a phone with aBootloader Spec B, you can flash the Custom ROM straight to the phone. If youhave a phone with Bootloader Spec A, your bootloader needs to be unlocked before you can flash a Custom ROM or restore abackup. You don't need to have an Engineering bootloader to use thisflash-method. A Custom ROM can be created based on a backupof a live phone, or you can dump these partitions from anoriginal FFU file, which can then be customized. After a Custom ROM is flashed,all apps, data and settings are be removed from the phone!
刷原始 FFU

刷自定义 ROM
自定义 ROM 通常包含未锁定的 EFIESP 分区和未初始化的 MainOS 分区和数据分区。如果您有一个带有引导加载器规格 B 的手机,则可以将自定义 ROM 直接刷到手机。如果您有一个带有引导加载程序规格 A 的手机,则需要先解锁引导加载程序,然后才能闪烁自定义 ROM 或还原备份。您无需使用工程引导加载程序来使用此刷方法。可以基于实时电话的备份创建自定义 ROM,也可以从原始 FFU 文件转储这些分区,然后可以自定义这些文件。刷新自定义 ROM 后,所有应用、数据和设置都将从手机中删除!

NOTE: Flashing a Custom ROM usually takes a lot oftime, especially on phones with Bootloader Spec B! Be sure that the battery ofyour phone is properly charged before you start flashing a Custom ROM.
When you continue, the phone will be switched to Flash mode and then the CustomROM will be flashed.
注意:闪烁自定义 ROM 通常需要很长时间,尤其是在带有引导加载程序规格 B 的手机上!在开始闪烁自定义 ROM 之前,请确保手机的电池电量已正确充电。
继续操作时,手机将切换到刷模式,然后刷新自定义 ROM。

Restore SecureBoot
You can use this functionto restore SecureBoot to its original state. During the process of restoringSecureBoot, the phone will be switched to Mass Storage mode. After that thephone must be rebooted. You will be notified. You will need to reboot the phonemanually at that stage, because it cannot be done programmatically. After youreboot the phone, the relock procedure will continue automatically.
您可以使用此函数将 SecureBoot 还原到其原始状态。在恢复安全引导的过程中,电话将切换到大容量存储模式。之后,必须重新启动电话。您将收到通知。您将需要在该阶段手动重新启动电话,因为它无法以编程方式完成。重新启动电话后,重新锁定过程将自动继续。

WARNING: No valid profile-FFUcould be found. Go to the download page in this tool and download a new FFU-file for yourphone, or add an existing FFU-file to the repository.
警告: 找不到有效的配置文件 FFU。转到此工具中的下载页,为您的手机下载新的 FFU 文件,或将现有的 FFU 文件添加到存储库。

Flash original FFU
When you flash an originalFFU, the phone will be restored to its original configuration. All unlocks,apps and data will be removed from the phone!

当您闪烁原始 FFU 时,手机将还原到其原始配置。所有解锁,应用程序和数据将从手机中删除!
继续操作时,手机将切换到闪光灯模式,然后 FFU 图像将闪烁。
When you continue, thephone will be switched to Flash mode and then the FFU image will be flashed.
继续操作时,手机将切换到闪光灯模式,然后 FFU 图像将闪烁。

Dump ROM
You can select a sourceFFU-file and extract the EFIESP partition and MainOS partition. You can enable Root Access on these partitions and you can furthercustomize MainOS if you want. After you have unlockedthe bootloader of the phone, you can flash the customROM to the phone.
转储 ROM
您可以选择源 FFU 文件并提取 EFIESP 分区和 MainOS 分区。您可以在这些分区上启用根访问,并可以根据需要进一步自定义 MainOS。解锁手机引导加载程序后,您可以将自定义 ROM 刷到手机。

When you choose "Downloadall", Windows Phone Internals will download an FFU-file andemergency-files for your phone. When the FFU-file is downloaded, it will beanalyzed. And if the OS-version is not a supported version, then Windows PhoneInternals will start to download another FFU-file, which should have asupported OS-version. It will be for a different model, but Windows PhoneInternals needs it extract some files from it.
When you connect yourphone, the search criteria will be detected automatically. For some older Lumiamodels this may not work when the phone is in Flash mode. To get the exactsearch criteria, you need to switch the phone to Normal mode first.
In some cases the emergencyfiles cannot be found and you will need to download the emergency files yourself.This google search may yield some relevantresults.
For some older Lumia modelsthe operatorcode search criterion doesn't work. Your search may not yield anyresults when use the Operatorcode search criterion. You should use theProductcode to find the files for your exact model.

当您选择"下载所有"时,Windows 手机内部程序将下载手机的 FFU 文件和紧急文件。下载 FFU 文件时,将对其进行分析。如果操作系统版本不是受支持的版本,则 Windows Phone 内部版本将开始下载另一个 FFU 文件,该文件应具有受支持的操作系统版本。它将为不同的模型,但 Windows 手机内部需要它从中提取一些文件。
连接手机时,将自动检测到搜索条件。对于一些较旧的 Lumia 型号,当手机处于闪存模式时,这可能不起作用。要获得确切的搜索条件,您需要先将电话切换到"正常"模式。
对于一些较旧的 Lumia 模型,运算符代码搜索条件不起作用。使用操作员代码搜索条件时,您的搜索可能不会产生任何结果。您应该使用产品代码来查找精确型号的文件。
Windows Phone Internals
Version 2.8
Copyright © 2014 - 2018 by Heathcliff74
Many thanks to the ATF Team and the Smart GSM Team for supplying JTAG andtest equipment.
Many thanks to X-Shadow,Justin Angel, Joseph Manzy, Jeremy Sinclair, Vlad Slavskiy and Hikari Calyx forsupplying test-phones.
Many thanks to X-Shadow,Cotulla, Rafael Rivera, Ultrashot and Gustave M. for having enlightingdiscussions about Windows Mobile.
This software uses thefollowing libraries:
WinUSBNet by Thomas Bleeker (license)
Prism by Microsoft patterns & practices (license)
Json.NET by James Newton-King (license)
7-zip LZMA SDK by Igor Pavlov (license)
DiscUtils by Kenneth Bell (license)

版本 2.8 版权所有 © 2014 - 2018 由 希刺克厉夫74 www.wpinternals.net
非常感谢 ATF 团队和智能 GSM 团队提供 JTAG 和测试设备。
本软件使用以下库: 由托马斯·布莱克(许可证)的WinUSBNet
按微软模式和实践(许可证)表示的棱镜 詹姆斯·牛顿·金Json.NET(许可证) 7-zip LZMA SDK 由伊戈尔·帕夫洛夫 (许可证) 肯尼思·贝尔的光盘(许可证)

Enable Root Access directlyon phone
Before you can enable RootAccess directly on the phone, you need to have Mass Storage mode unlocked first. Make sure you don'thave any Windows Phone disks or partitions mounted before you continue to MassStorage Mode. Not all OS versions are supported. The OS version will verifiedafter the phone is switched to Mass Storage mode.
When you continue, thephone will be switched to Mass Storage mode and then Root Access will beenabled.
在直接在手机上启用 Root Access 之前,需要先解锁大容量存储模式。在继续大容量存储模式之前,请确保未装载任何 Windows Phone 磁盘或分区。并非所有操作系统版本都受支持。在手机切换到大容量存储模式后,操作系统版本将经过验证。
Enable Root Access on ROM images
In some cases you may want to unlock a ROM image, insteadof enabling Root Access directly on the phone. For example, if you were notable to unlock Mass Storage mode on the phone, or when you want to prepare aROM image for later use.
If you can't use Mass Storage on the phone, you need to dump theEFIESP and MainOS partitions from an FFU file. Then you need to mount thepartitions with a tool like OSFMount and use the selection fields below to browse to themounted partitions. After the images are unlocked you need to unmount them andthen flash the unlocked images to the phone. Unlocking the EFIESPpartition is something you typically need to do only once. Note that the EFIESPpartition contains model-specific data for your phone! So you need to make surethat you dump EFIESP partition from an FFU file that is meant specifically foryour phone.
WARNING: Due to the complexity of SecureBoot Hack v2, unlockingmounted ROM images is only possible for Lumia's with bootloader Spec A. ForLumia's with bootloader Spec B you can create Custom ROM's with Root Accessusing the "Build and capture" technique, as described on the Getting started page.
Select the mount-points of the partitions you wish tounlock:
Chinese Simplified translation.
在 ROM 图像上启用根访问
在某些情况下,您可能需要解锁 ROM 图像,而不是直接在手机上启用 Root Access。例如,如果您无法在手机上解锁大容量存储模式,或者当您要准备 ROM 图像供以后使用时。 如果无法在手机上使用大容量存储,则需要从 FFU 文件转储 EFIESP 和 MainOS 分区。然后,您需要使用 OSFMount 等工具装载分区,并使用下面的选择字段浏览到装载的分区。图像解锁后,您需要卸载它们,然后将未锁定的图像闪存到手机。解锁 EFIESP 分区通常只需要执行一次操作。请注意,EFIESP 分区包含手机的特定于型号的数据!因此,您需要确保从专为您的手机而专门处理的 FFU 文件中转储 EFIESP 分区。
警告: 由于 SecureBoot Hack v2 的复杂性,解锁安装的 ROM 图像仅适用于 Luia 的引导加载程序规格 A。对于带有引导加载程序规范 B 的 Lumia,您可以使用"生成和捕获"技术创建具有根访问的自定义 ROM,如入门页面上所述。

Disable Root Accessdirectly on phone
If you want to disable RootAccess directly on the phone, Mass Storage mode must have been unlocked. Make sure you don't haveany Windows Phone disks or partitions mounted before you continue to MassStorage Mode.
Warning:Ifyou flashed a Custom ROM with Root Access enabled, or if you performed a HardReset while Root Access was still enabled, then the phone may not boot properlyanymore, after you disabled Root Access. In this case you should performanother Hard Reset to solve the problem. A Hard Reset will erase all Apps,Settings, Photo's and other data from the phone!
When you continue, thephone will be switched to Mass Storage mode and then Root Access will bedisabled.
如果要直接在手机上禁用根访问,则必须已解锁大容量存储模式。在继续大容量存储模式之前,请确保未装载任何 Windows Phone 磁盘或分区。
警告: 如果闪烁了启用了 Root Access 的自定义 ROM,或者在仍然启用了"根访问"时执行了硬重置,则禁用"根访问"后,手机可能无法重新正常启动。在这种情况下,您应该执行另一个硬重置来解决问题。硬重置将擦除手机中的所有应用程序、设置、照片和其他数据!
继续操作时,电话将切换到大容量存储模式,然后将禁用 Root Access。

NokiaLumia - Switch mode
Current mode: Normal (Windows Phone OS)
Switchto Flash-mode
This is the interface that can be used to flash a new ROM image. It can also beused to retrieve additional info and security status.
Switchto Label-mode
This interface is meant for querying and provisioning the phone. This isnormally used for configuring the phone during manufacturing.
Switchto Mass-Storage-mode
This mode allows you to access the complete file-system of the phone. To enterthis mode the phone will first be booted to Flash mode. After that this toolwill immediately attempt to boot the phone to Mass Storage mode. So you may seeyour phone reboot multiple times.
Warning1: Onceyou've entered Mass Storage mode, be very careful with altering files. You caneasily brick your phone, when you make invalid changes to the file-system ofthe phone.
Warning2: Beforeswitching to Mass Storage Mode, verify that you do not have any other WindowsPhone disks or partitions mounted. The partitions may have equal identifiers,which will result in a conflict. The phone partitions will be mounted"offline" and if you try to switch them "online" in theDisk Manager, it will corrupt the partitions on the phone. Unmount any WindowsPhone partitions before you continue.
Warning3: Switchingto Mass Storage mode should take about 10 seconds. Phones with Bootloader SpecA should be unlocked using an Engineering SBL3 to enable Mass Storage mode. Whenyou unlocked the bootloader, but you did not use an Engineering SBL3, anattempt to boot to Mass Storage mode may result in an unresponsive state.Installing drivers for this interface may also cause to hang the PC. So whenthis switch is taking too long, you should reboot both the PC and the phone.
Chinese Simplifiedtranslation.
诺基亚 Lumia - 切换模式
当前模式:正常(Windows 电话操作系统)
这是可用于闪存新 ROM 图像的接口。它还可用于检索其他信息和安全状态。
警告 1: 进入大容量存储模式后,请非常小心更改文件。当您对手机的文件系统进行无效更改时,可以轻松地将手机砖砌块。
警告 2: 切换到大容量存储模式之前,请验证您没有安装任何其他 Windows Phone 磁盘或分区。分区可能具有相等的标识符,这将导致冲突。电话分区将"脱机"装载,如果您尝试在磁盘管理器中将其"联机"切换,则会破坏电话上的分区。在继续之前,请卸载所有 Windows Phone 分区。
警告 3: 切换到大容量存储模式大约需要 10 秒。具有引导加载程序规范 A 的电话应使用工程 SBL3 解锁,以启用大容量存储模式。当您解锁引导加载程序,但您没有使用工程 SBL3 时,尝试引导到大容量存储模式可能会导致无响应状态。安装此接口的驱动程序也可能导致挂起 PC。因此,当此开关时间过长时,应重新启动 PC 和手机。

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